It’s been a while…

… and I have a tonne of draft posts that I started scrawling on my phone and never finished, but quite a lot has happened since July 2022, so for anyone who’s still reading and interested, I thought I’d try to post them, this one is from March 2023…

Things have changed quite a lot since my last post. I can genuinely say I’m enjoying life as a mother. Not all the time, obviously, (and I mistrust anyone who says they do) but as my baby becomes a toddler, with a personality, an infectious giggle and increasing independence, I feel partly as if I’m getting back some of my independence in work, and nights out, but also like we’re getting closer to the tipping point where the aspects that we’ve lost of our pre-baby life are starting to be outweighed by the benefits that we’re gaining from having a child. 

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